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Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Food = Family,Friends,Humanity!

Of all the pleasures in the world nothing satisfies as much a good meal does.And its the only thing that satisfies every time,I have never been bored of food,and neither can anyone deny.For some,food is god,for some a pleasure,for some a break,for some energy and for me its all of the mentioned.I can say food is the perfect example of all branches of science considering Indian cooking everything has a reason for every ingredient to the process of cooking.I remember reading about Napoleon Bonaparte announcing prize for food preservation( it is believed that more soldiers died of hunger than injuries,when I was talking about this to my mom,she smiled,and told me that,If Napoleon had been born in India,he wouldn't have been a fool to announce such a reward and his soldiers could have easily survived on dry pickles and dry fishes.There are so many complex science behind every food that is cooked in our house only that we don't realize or may be we don't have time to think about or we are just lazy to even think about it.Such is the speciality of food that it has all the fundamental elements that keeps the world going,apart from science,it too has an emotional side.

                                   I keep the scientifical fact of food with me,not everyone is interested in it.But,food also plays a vital role keeping up the relationships.A family that sits together for one meal a day is definitely a happy family.All those,sharing,serving,passing,talking has a bonding value that could keep every family bonded for years.I know of a family of small kids to grandparents, that sit together for breakfast and grand father is the one who looks forward for the get together breakfast,and he gets all ready only to have breakfast with the family,and the rest of the day he doesn't get to see all of his family members for their varied schedule.
                                      For me Food is equally synonymous with friends,for all those bonding that I have with my friends is also somewhere connected with the food.Right from my school days to till to the day,there has always been time for us to share food,though not more often as we used to do in school days.Sharing was so important for us that me and some other friends made sure that our parents don't send non vegetarian dishes as we didn't wanna lose some of our strict vegetarian friends.And the sharing still goes on exchanging  boxes.And we are proud of sharing at eateries that everyone gets to taste everything on the table.Sharing food is something that I wouldn't miss out with my friends.

                               An angry man is usually a hungry man,appease the apettite of the angry man and he will a very good friend of you.I myself have noticed this,I'm easily provoked when I'm hungry.Someone said Hunger is the source of all evil,but I say Food is the solution for all evils.

                                    And now comes the most sensitive part of food,of all the charity,giving food is considered the superior.If you feed some one, he will have the energy to acquire anything. In our vedic texts more importance is given for food,its believed food is Brahma, from food all the creatures are born and by food they live,and after having departed,into food again they enter.Feeding the needy has always made me content,which I do only once a year and that too not for specific occasion,it just happens.A wise friend of mine suggested instead of feeding them once a year,get them a bag of rice and they will be happy for more than one time.
                                 I would say
                                               #if you are really upset about something in life,try enjoying the meal wholeheartedly,right from the care and love that mom has taken to prepare to the same love and joy it is served.
                                                #.And if you don't know what you are upset about,take a friend for a meal and you will realize there is nothing to be upset about.
                                                #Finally,if you are upset about life itself,try giving food/food grain in charity and you will understand how blessed you are.And this formula has never failed me!

Monday, 11 November 2013

Mojo Jojo!

Julie,Tommy and Mojo are the names of the pet dog we had at home.I would never forget Julie,the first thing that Julie did on the very first of his arrival at our home was BITE me,poor dog,he was scared,and I was scared all the more,I was not even 5 that time.Next came Tommy,though Tommy didn't stay with us for a long time,and now its Mojo time,a cute Lhasa Apso.Except for mojo it was my mom who looked affter of our pet,and now that we are grown she wants us to look after Mojo,added responsibility! but its fun.Growing a pet is like bringing up a child,too many tamasha,and tantrums.Mojo has influenced me in a better way,and the things I’ve learnt from him actually works with others.

                There are times I get angry with my pet and ,but then he is such a sweetheart that he comes to me wagging his tail n lick me saying he is sorry and he has totally forgot about the incident.Forgive quickly.

              My pet always give a signal that he wants to do,and if I don’t get it,he does it there irrespective of the place,which means there are always signals about everything happening around us,we fail to recognize.Not everyone would be comfortable saying everything sometimes we need to understand the signal

#Appreciation of Love
                              Most of the times Mojo comes running to me when I reach home,I just can’t control him he and tries to get on my face to lick,but unlike Mojo I’m not in good mood all the time,so I just ignore him and thats it, he turns his back,and then later he refuses to eat. I’ve to go and pacify hime only then does he become normal.Always appreciate the love that other show on us

#Nature is natural
                            Dogs are one of the playful species,and my pet is no different,he is 80% naturally playful,10%obedient,and another 10%, I haven’t figured out,no matter how much ever I try I can’t refrain his mischievous behaviour,he rolls,digs,bites at few instances I’ve raised my voice and tried to control but it had never worked,I get tired of shouting at him,finally when he gets tired of playing,he retires.Its a waste of time and energy trying to change someone,Be wise,Adapt.

       Sometimes,our pets are our reflection,my pet doesn’t eat plain rice as most of my friend’s pets,he needs something crunchy in it,just like I need pappad or some snacks.Only then I realized my pet should be treated the way that I like to be treated.All are equal.

#Never Hide
            It’s hard to keep the dog away from meat,and whenever there is meat at home,he refuses to eat his usual food,he needs a bite of the meat ,no matter how much ever we try to hide it.Dogs have powerful olfactory cells,and it is not possible to hide anything.Don’t hide anything,because the dear ones can smell it and if they can’t,we aren’t dear to them.

#Oil is good for friction
                   My vet advises to keep my puppy away from oily snacks,but whenever he isn’t well,the easiest way to make him right is to feed good,crunchy oily snacks he loves to crunch.If there is any friction,use some oil(likes) to ease it.

#Possessive scene
                Though I talk about Mojo a lot,he doesn’t seem to be interested in me so much,whenever I take him for a walk he is more interested in looking at others,but, if, even for fun someone hits me,he becomes my Mojo’s enemy for lifetime.Really not necessary to see/show possessiveness,it just ebbs at the moment.

        I believe in karma very much,and Mojo being my pet must be a part of past or he could even be  someone who is gonna look after me in the next life,so I make sure I treat him well.We don’t meet people,it happens,and happens for a reason,so treat everyone well or atleast don’t ill treat.

        Everyone who sees my Mojo,asks me if he is trained to shake hands,or pick the ball etc.Pls,I don’t intend to exhibit him at a circus,he is what he is.I don’t expect him to do anything for my pleasure of exhibition I love the way he is.Love for what the other are.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Interpretation of a Smartphone

The most difficult task of blogging is the first line of the post.I try to make my first line creative so that it keeps the reader hooked,but today for this post couldn't think of anything inspite of trying for almost 12 hours.The necessities of everyone had always been the same from begining of the mankind,except for  one thing which has been recently added,and without that, it is quite frustrating.Yes,it is frustrating when I'm away from my phone,not mobile phones,Smartphones! After a hectic task of trying to fine tune this blog
( which I haven't)
     Never Alone
             # It is always easy to reach someone when loneliness haunts,there is always someone waiting for our call.So,pick the phone and call up that someone who can drive away loneliness.
             # We would never be alone if we find our company.
       Anger Channel
             #I'm not of the type to exhibit my anger,and the best way to get it out of my system is weird,sometimes Angry Birds,sometimes Scrabble.As these games keep me involved,I forget about my anger.You can try your own favourite games.
             #Anger is contagious,and channelising it ti something else is wise.
         Tiny Parcel,big package
            #Responsibility is a very big term that comes in a small package,so is the smart phone especially when you are carrying a flashy phone.Where there is I,there is a phone.
            # No responsibility is a burden,if we are really attached(conscienctious) to it
          Visual Treat
           #Boredom is a long lost word and I'm wondering when was the time I told anyone that "I'm bored!"coz that never has happened with me,Thanks to Youtube.
           # There are so many beautiful things,tiny or gigantic,just that we are so engrossed in our day to day life that we don't notice the beauty of this world.
           Memory Salt
          # Thanks to Facebook,there are always good memories and friends to cherish.
          # Its very unlikely for us to eat without salt,but excess salt ruins the food,so is memory,remembering only that would not ruin our thoughts is good,anything more?!?!?!
           Young Mind
          # Most important,age is never a criteria for learning new things,and my mobile has never let me down to clarify my doubts or anyone else's who rely on me.
          #Young is accident of time,and youth is state of mind-Frank Lloyd Wright. Do I need to say more!