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Thursday, 21 March 2013

Break with Love

No…I don’t mean to beaks anyone’s love for anything. Break fast with love.or Breakfast with love.My Mom still keeps telling me breakfast is the most important meal of the day.The most important dish that irritates me for a breakfast is Idli,so does for most of us I believe but then my mom says this secret,The world’s best and worst food are southindia recipes,best is idli and the worst is pickle.Idli irritates me,and when I’m irritated,the universe also gets irritated with me and nothing works in my favour that day.Only then I realized,Everyday is a good day,if it is bad then it is because of our way.A breakfast is important not only because it provides food for our body,also mood for the soul.As I said the day I’m served idli or upma or anything that I don’t like,I’d give a weird look and mostly leave without eating, irritated and then the irritation is reflected throughout the day.I noticed on rare occasions, few simple things that i can do even with my eyes blind goes wrong,on deep thinking those occasions happen the day i leave home irritated with breakfast,only then i decided no matter whatever is there for me to break the fast,I'll break with love.If its not given with love,i make sure its received with love,and I’ve stopped categorizing food that I like and I don’t like.I love everything that my mom makes  because she makes with love and I’ve to receive with LoveJ

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