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Friday, 3 May 2013

Do you read? No,I exercise.

<p>I don’t read, I just exercise, I know its funny that reading is an exercise, but it is a matter of fact that reading is an exercise for the brain. Few friends of mine criticize me when I prefer reading than watching a movie for three hours, and few other friends envy my habit of reading. For those who read they know, and for those who don’t, reading is  an addiction that doesn’t deteriorate physical state of a body but rejuvenates the mind. For any new friends I make, I’m always curious to know if they read, If reading is a pleasure, then discussing good read is a bliss. Few years back whenever I’m done with a book, I’d love to talk about it but there were only very few friends of mine to discuss. One incidence that I enjoyed of a book description was of a friend Benjamin Thomas Mavellan,while he told me the opening scene and the end scene from the book The Fountainhead, it was not only his mouth that was speaking of the book, his eyes, his hands, his whole body was telling me the love he had for that book and the next day I was hunting for The Fountainhead, and Benji didn’t disappoint me. Such is the pleasure of reading. Reading transports us to a different world, it has hard for us to relive in the classic era, but a book can take us to any era, even visual media can do it, but visual media forbids our imagination to theirs. Somewhere I read a quote that Reading opens one’s mind to others etc I can’t recall it but I can understand. Such is the power of reading that it can transport you into any unknown world. On a friend’s recommendation I had installed Quora, there was an interesting question “why do people who read, love to read?”Only those who read can answer the question and there was a fantastic reply quoting the readers explanation in regard to Harry potter series. We all know that Harry Potter movie ia a visual delight and Lord of the Rings is no less, the movies are the execution of imagination of the technicians, and they can’t execute such beautiful fantasy without reading the book. On a personal note, I feel reading gives us an exceptional insight to look into our daily happenings. Whoever comes to me asking for to start reading, I’d recommend to start with Sidney Sheldon, but now I’ve been recommending Chetan Bhagat.If you aren’t into reading, then let me tell you that you are restricting your mind of its ability to,think and do great things.</p>

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