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Thursday, 15 August 2013

India 67

A lot have changed in my thoughts on Independence day.Initially it was all about sweets that were distributed,then pining the national flag,then holiday and then was the torture of parade training in school,in college it was a leisure day.And,after my entry into the real world.I feel more patriotic on I day and R day,but the patriotism wanes away as I start working.Today I read,"Each nation feels superior to other nations.That breeds patriotism and wars-Dale Carnegie"(Deccan Chronicle,page8).I,citizen of India definitely,definitely feel proud of my country,only patriotism is my part.Lot have been taught of Indian Inpendence in history classes with special emphasis on Ahimsa.We all remember only Independence not Ahimsa.Even now I feel that I haven't got the essence of freedom completely,nothing wrong about the freedom,just that I haven't been able to understand the sacrifices of the lives laid down for our Independence.It is our National flag everywhere on Iday and Rday,been thinking why is the flag the way it is,somewhere I read,An Indian woman was insulted by a foreigner for fighting for a nation that doesn't have a flag,and that woman tore a piece of her saree and said that was the flag of her country India,don't know that details though(I'm not a Historian),there have been many flags before the one we have now,and there have been some brave women associated with the history of our national flag and suprisingly there were some foreigners too.The final flag was designed by Pingali Venkaih and I'm sure only few would know this(I swear I knew this a decade back!).The year 1857 is something sticthed into my subconscious mind,that is the year Sepoy Mutiny happened,if you don't know what it is,then the easiest way is AamirKhan's Mangal Pandey,it is stiched because it was an important 10mark question.Sepoy mutiny is considered to be the First war of Indian Independence,1857 -1947,my god,90years!
                                                 When Nehru was questioned by a person,what is the use of Independence?,he politely replied,the convenience of questioning the primeminister of the country is what independence is.Happy Independence Day!

P.S.Someday if you happen to seen a tiranga tattoo on me,remember this idea came today while writing this.

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