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Wednesday, 28 August 2013

You Cry? #!#?

Crying was the easiest escape tool for many of us and I wasn't an exception either.But,when I try to remember  the last time I cried,I could remember only one  event when I cried without even realizing when one of my close pal passed away.The other incidents when I cried were all instigated,either by the other person or sometimes when I really wanted to cry.I even have doubts if my lacrimal glands are normal,it been nearly a decade that I have cried.From somewhere I have got this feeling that, to cry is not a man and I still have been stuck to that belief.I haven't cried even during the worst heartbreaks,all of my hearts have only made me to laugh at myself,but never cried(it wasn't my loss!) To cry is just like a reflex like all other things,but that reflex is hyperactive in few people,its so active that it almost starts at a click,sometimes I understand that that tear is uncontrollable,but most of the time I have seen people crying for the most silly reasons and it irritates me.Those who can control anger are strong,which I don't agree completely,a strong one is the one who can channelise the same velocity of anger onto something,and if you can control your tears too,you are strong.When a baby cries,it just means it needs something for it is the only expression,and we cry not for our needs but wants, most of the times.I have this weird feeling whenver I see someone crying,i have this urge to laugh,but fearing the wrath I haven't dared to.I opine that instead of crying,and wasting our energy we could sit down and analyse if it is wise to cry or save some energy and move on.Cry is synonymous with women,and they are good at manipulating people with their tears,but I'm allergic to crying women,I'd flee the place,not just because I'm allergic,may be I'm not so strong to see a woman crying!:-)
P.S. Definitely the boy isn't cute while crying

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