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Wednesday, 2 October 2013


There are some things that would regularly happen on Gandhi Jayanthi- Public Holiday,Special programmes on every Indian satellite channels which includes the movie Gandhi,Oh! most importantly Dry Day(very important for me!).Few days back,it was in the papers that a school girl had applied RTI to know why Gandhi is called Father of our country,well! even I had the doubt at that age,but somehow convinced myself that he is father of our country because he is featured in our currency,and who gives us pocket money?Daddy na!
                      We all know that Indian Independence struggle was one of its kind and it introduced a new terminology Ahimsa.If it wasn't was for the path of ahimsa,there would have been lot of bloodshed.Well,I don't remember any of interesting incidents that happened in Gandhiji's life,I wasn't interested in Gandhiji much.It all started when Gandhiji was detrained from a First class coach,he was lucky that he hold onto his anger for a long time and that is what turned into our freedom struggle.Everyone talks great about Ahimsa,and so I too tried Gandhi's path of Ahimsa with my mom,If my mom refuses something that I need,I would not eat at home for few days.Trust me!Ahimsa doesn't work for guys and I was no different.But,Ahimsa works well for my mom,and sister and they had been successful too!
                                           Gandhiji was totally against the partition of our country,which proves his ability for a futuristic vision,but then our other politicians were in a hurry,that they thought that patrition would be the ideal solution for the chaos,and their hurry cost us the present chaos.If there was no Pakistan,probably we would have been the most powerful country in the continent!Gandhiji was wise to quit Congress,or he wouldn't have reached the hearts of every Indian irrespective of their political party.Also,Gandhiji wanted the present day parliament complex to be a hospital,don't think that would never happen.Dandi march,Civil disobedience,Non Co operation movement,they were all Gandhiji's idea.The British wouldn't have imagined the power of Gandhiji.It is believed that Gandhiji uttered Hey Ram last,when he was shot!
                                                              Hey Ram!

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