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Thursday, 29 August 2013

Shine like a Sun

For people around me,I'm a Weirdo,because they think I don't sleep.I sleep,only that I wake up early,early than than rest of others throughout the different phases of my life,I still have never found anyone who can rise before me except for the days I go through hangover.Somehow,rising early gives me more energy and most importantly time,I've more time to do everything I want,because there isn't anyone to interfere me in the morning.Few years back I was proud of myself to read the newspaper first, among 4 of my roommates,and there have been days when I have waited to get newspaper from the distribution van,also waited at tea shop,for the guy to open,arrange and then have my tea.The breeze in the early morning is so soothing and I was in a way lucky to enjoy that in the city of Chennai.I've few people,who wake up and are ready in few minutes,which has never worked with me,I need to wake up from the bed and also wake up from the mental state of sleep,replay if I had any dreams,sit,jot down things to be done in the day that way I'm well organised and there is a clarity of thought.Early morning gives me ample time to think,analyse,do many things and my close pals know that.There is so much of energy,waking up early that I never had the urge for a hotwater shower even in the winter days.Unless there is so much of good in rising early,our ancestors wouldn't have rised early and did surya namaskar,Surya namaskar is an unique solution for all of physical and mental troubles.Out of those suffering from insomnia,I've hardly stayed awake post 11pm,and it takes only a minute for me to sleep,just the thought of sleep is enough for me to sleep,not because I'm intoxicated or inebriated only because I rise early and so tired at the end of the day.To shine like a sun,rise early,because sun radiates energy and if you want to radiate your energy to people around you,rise and shine like a sun:-)

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

You Cry? #!#?

Crying was the easiest escape tool for many of us and I wasn't an exception either.But,when I try to remember  the last time I cried,I could remember only one  event when I cried without even realizing when one of my close pal passed away.The other incidents when I cried were all instigated,either by the other person or sometimes when I really wanted to cry.I even have doubts if my lacrimal glands are normal,it been nearly a decade that I have cried.From somewhere I have got this feeling that, to cry is not a man and I still have been stuck to that belief.I haven't cried even during the worst heartbreaks,all of my hearts have only made me to laugh at myself,but never cried(it wasn't my loss!) To cry is just like a reflex like all other things,but that reflex is hyperactive in few people,its so active that it almost starts at a click,sometimes I understand that that tear is uncontrollable,but most of the time I have seen people crying for the most silly reasons and it irritates me.Those who can control anger are strong,which I don't agree completely,a strong one is the one who can channelise the same velocity of anger onto something,and if you can control your tears too,you are strong.When a baby cries,it just means it needs something for it is the only expression,and we cry not for our needs but wants, most of the times.I have this weird feeling whenver I see someone crying,i have this urge to laugh,but fearing the wrath I haven't dared to.I opine that instead of crying,and wasting our energy we could sit down and analyse if it is wise to cry or save some energy and move on.Cry is synonymous with women,and they are good at manipulating people with their tears,but I'm allergic to crying women,I'd flee the place,not just because I'm allergic,may be I'm not so strong to see a woman crying!:-)
P.S. Definitely the boy isn't cute while crying

Thursday, 15 August 2013

India 67

A lot have changed in my thoughts on Independence day.Initially it was all about sweets that were distributed,then pining the national flag,then holiday and then was the torture of parade training in school,in college it was a leisure day.And,after my entry into the real world.I feel more patriotic on I day and R day,but the patriotism wanes away as I start working.Today I read,"Each nation feels superior to other nations.That breeds patriotism and wars-Dale Carnegie"(Deccan Chronicle,page8).I,citizen of India definitely,definitely feel proud of my country,only patriotism is my part.Lot have been taught of Indian Inpendence in history classes with special emphasis on Ahimsa.We all remember only Independence not Ahimsa.Even now I feel that I haven't got the essence of freedom completely,nothing wrong about the freedom,just that I haven't been able to understand the sacrifices of the lives laid down for our Independence.It is our National flag everywhere on Iday and Rday,been thinking why is the flag the way it is,somewhere I read,An Indian woman was insulted by a foreigner for fighting for a nation that doesn't have a flag,and that woman tore a piece of her saree and said that was the flag of her country India,don't know that details though(I'm not a Historian),there have been many flags before the one we have now,and there have been some brave women associated with the history of our national flag and suprisingly there were some foreigners too.The final flag was designed by Pingali Venkaih and I'm sure only few would know this(I swear I knew this a decade back!).The year 1857 is something sticthed into my subconscious mind,that is the year Sepoy Mutiny happened,if you don't know what it is,then the easiest way is AamirKhan's Mangal Pandey,it is stiched because it was an important 10mark question.Sepoy mutiny is considered to be the First war of Indian Independence,1857 -1947,my god,90years!
                                                 When Nehru was questioned by a person,what is the use of Independence?,he politely replied,the convenience of questioning the primeminister of the country is what independence is.Happy Independence Day!

P.S.Someday if you happen to seen a tiranga tattoo on me,remember this idea came today while writing this.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013


At this age,to write about a cinema actor is weird but then, a conversation with an old man praising MGR made me think how much of impact does cinema have in our society.That old man was going on praising MGR,he doesn't see him only as an actor but takes him for being his mentor.Old man apart,long time back when a old movie of Superstar was released, a 40yr neighbour was so excited to watch the movie and that movie must have been relayed on satellite channel for hundred times but still he was eager to watch it in theatre.Now,comes my turn,I really haven't witnessed  the magic of MGR,or even the charisma of superstar,my dad and my uncles told me his a superstar and the excitement around,made me excited.No doubt,that Rajinikanth is the superstar(SRK himself said that!).Any actor in the cinema would wanna achieve the superstar title,and if someone says they just wanna act and don't wanna become a superstar then,either thay aren't serious about their work or they know that they aren't capable,and when Ajith said that he wants to be No.1 in kollywood industry,he was criticised  badly.Multi starrer trend has been recently the talk of the tamil cinema industry,but Ajith must be the only actor who has acted along with many actors in the past twenty years.It wouldn't be apt to brand Ajith only as an actor,he is also an avid racer and has F2 achievements to his creditsWhen Ajith requested his fans to dissolve his fan clubs,every one thought it was an end to his career,but then only the clubs were dissolved not the fans.In his last movie,he was criticised for imitating George Clooney(salt and pepper style).I too agree with them,but others must also admit that,it would suit only Ajith(I can't imagine any one with that style).Its a well known fact that he isn't good at delivering dialogues,but he proved that he can deliver dialouges with his eyes in the movie Vaali.In today's world of paparazzi,privacy and public image of actors are always at risk,and Ajith is the only actor who has distanced his privacy and public life.Ajith must be the only actor who has been applauded by all of the co actors and technicians.He was the only star who had the guts to speakout on the stage in front of the ruling Chiefminister,and the one who stood up and applauded was Superstar.The trend of remaking old classics started by Ajith remaking superstar's Billa.Kollywood has many stars,superstar,topstar,powerstar,megastar and Ajith was fondly called Ultimate star,and he himself requested his fans to rip the title Ultimate star,and that is his ultimatum,and so is he unique.Well nothing much to say,just that I'm proud to have lived in the era of Kamal Hassan and Ajith,guess I'd be telling about Ajith a lot as I get old.And Arambam is the most anticipated movie of the year!

Friday, 2 August 2013

B'day Numbers

No matter how old we are,we always feel like a kid on our birthday.As a kid,I wasn't bothered about the government holidays and was always looking forward for my Birthday,new clothes,chocolates and cakes.Everyone has their day,but the issue with me is that I have so many miraculous birth dates.My day falls on the first week of August,and I guess I have a special affinity towards te month of August that I have friends whose birthdates are there on every day of first week of august.I didn't have such a scene during my school days,it all happened during college days and amazingly all of my friends with whom I share a very good bonding are born before/after my birthday (years are different).And,very surprisingly now I'm busy making birthday wish calls throughout the month of august,either a new friend,a professional friend or my friend's kids.Sometimes,I'd be making multiple birthday calls on one day.Someone's birthdate would be along with other one's anniversary.I feel there is a special bonding with me and numbers that it is really hard for me to forget numbers(the date of course!).Once I'd gone with a friend to choose a number for his phone connection and I asked for number ending with 17185,he gave me a weird look,I thought he would find that it is his birthday but that friend didn't get until I told him.I have more happy moments with birthday dates,but there are some dates which are same for the persons I love the most and envy the most,but that envy date always comes with the love date:-(.While typing this,I just remembered that my sister's birthday is the next day of mine(but she is one year younger) and one more surprising thing is my brother's birthday date which is next to my sister's date(he was born in a different month).Wondering how many more dates and similarities do I have in future!

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Out of what? Mind! No!Box.

Lateral thinking, Out of the box thinking,are something like a super power which only great minds posses,all god given minds are the same,to make it great is in our thinking.or atleast in the hands of the people around us.The extremes of mind are Optimism and Pessimism,the most common example referred to differentiate optimism and pessimism is Half full glass of water  and Half empty glass of water,the later one being pessimistic point of view and the earlier optimistic.But!,if I say it is half H2 O and O2 (water and air)
where do I fit into?!? I would like to call it logical thinking or at least "think with your own brain". Most of the times we think only what we hear only because we are lazy to think about something,which someone has already done,we are programmed not to waste time on things that are not related to us.If people had lived that way we wouldn't have so many inventions that has made our life so convenient.
Another story that comes to my mind "when asked the eldest son why is he an alcohol addict,he said,my father is an addict so am I,and the younger was a tea toteller and he said,both my father and brother are an addict and so I have stayed away from alcohol,and when the youngest son was asked the same question,he said seeing my father and my brothers,I drink only on occasions and in limit.And,for me the youngest one is the smartest.Basically Lateral thinking is logical thinking.The next time if someone asks you too many questions about anything that is related to your proffesion,don't hesitate, he might be thinking laterally. If we start thinking on our own,there would be so many things to explore:-)