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Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Food = Family,Friends,Humanity!

Of all the pleasures in the world nothing satisfies as much a good meal does.And its the only thing that satisfies every time,I have never been bored of food,and neither can anyone deny.For some,food is god,for some a pleasure,for some a break,for some energy and for me its all of the mentioned.I can say food is the perfect example of all branches of science considering Indian cooking everything has a reason for every ingredient to the process of cooking.I remember reading about Napoleon Bonaparte announcing prize for food preservation( it is believed that more soldiers died of hunger than injuries,when I was talking about this to my mom,she smiled,and told me that,If Napoleon had been born in India,he wouldn't have been a fool to announce such a reward and his soldiers could have easily survived on dry pickles and dry fishes.There are so many complex science behind every food that is cooked in our house only that we don't realize or may be we don't have time to think about or we are just lazy to even think about it.Such is the speciality of food that it has all the fundamental elements that keeps the world going,apart from science,it too has an emotional side.

                                   I keep the scientifical fact of food with me,not everyone is interested in it.But,food also plays a vital role keeping up the relationships.A family that sits together for one meal a day is definitely a happy family.All those,sharing,serving,passing,talking has a bonding value that could keep every family bonded for years.I know of a family of small kids to grandparents, that sit together for breakfast and grand father is the one who looks forward for the get together breakfast,and he gets all ready only to have breakfast with the family,and the rest of the day he doesn't get to see all of his family members for their varied schedule.
                                      For me Food is equally synonymous with friends,for all those bonding that I have with my friends is also somewhere connected with the food.Right from my school days to till to the day,there has always been time for us to share food,though not more often as we used to do in school days.Sharing was so important for us that me and some other friends made sure that our parents don't send non vegetarian dishes as we didn't wanna lose some of our strict vegetarian friends.And the sharing still goes on exchanging  boxes.And we are proud of sharing at eateries that everyone gets to taste everything on the table.Sharing food is something that I wouldn't miss out with my friends.

                               An angry man is usually a hungry man,appease the apettite of the angry man and he will a very good friend of you.I myself have noticed this,I'm easily provoked when I'm hungry.Someone said Hunger is the source of all evil,but I say Food is the solution for all evils.

                                    And now comes the most sensitive part of food,of all the charity,giving food is considered the superior.If you feed some one, he will have the energy to acquire anything. In our vedic texts more importance is given for food,its believed food is Brahma, from food all the creatures are born and by food they live,and after having departed,into food again they enter.Feeding the needy has always made me content,which I do only once a year and that too not for specific occasion,it just happens.A wise friend of mine suggested instead of feeding them once a year,get them a bag of rice and they will be happy for more than one time.
                                 I would say
                                               #if you are really upset about something in life,try enjoying the meal wholeheartedly,right from the care and love that mom has taken to prepare to the same love and joy it is served.
                                                #.And if you don't know what you are upset about,take a friend for a meal and you will realize there is nothing to be upset about.
                                                #Finally,if you are upset about life itself,try giving food/food grain in charity and you will understand how blessed you are.And this formula has never failed me!

Monday, 11 November 2013

Mojo Jojo!

Julie,Tommy and Mojo are the names of the pet dog we had at home.I would never forget Julie,the first thing that Julie did on the very first of his arrival at our home was BITE me,poor dog,he was scared,and I was scared all the more,I was not even 5 that time.Next came Tommy,though Tommy didn't stay with us for a long time,and now its Mojo time,a cute Lhasa Apso.Except for mojo it was my mom who looked affter of our pet,and now that we are grown she wants us to look after Mojo,added responsibility! but its fun.Growing a pet is like bringing up a child,too many tamasha,and tantrums.Mojo has influenced me in a better way,and the things I’ve learnt from him actually works with others.

                There are times I get angry with my pet and ,but then he is such a sweetheart that he comes to me wagging his tail n lick me saying he is sorry and he has totally forgot about the incident.Forgive quickly.

              My pet always give a signal that he wants to do,and if I don’t get it,he does it there irrespective of the place,which means there are always signals about everything happening around us,we fail to recognize.Not everyone would be comfortable saying everything sometimes we need to understand the signal

#Appreciation of Love
                              Most of the times Mojo comes running to me when I reach home,I just can’t control him he and tries to get on my face to lick,but unlike Mojo I’m not in good mood all the time,so I just ignore him and thats it, he turns his back,and then later he refuses to eat. I’ve to go and pacify hime only then does he become normal.Always appreciate the love that other show on us

#Nature is natural
                            Dogs are one of the playful species,and my pet is no different,he is 80% naturally playful,10%obedient,and another 10%, I haven’t figured out,no matter how much ever I try I can’t refrain his mischievous behaviour,he rolls,digs,bites at few instances I’ve raised my voice and tried to control but it had never worked,I get tired of shouting at him,finally when he gets tired of playing,he retires.Its a waste of time and energy trying to change someone,Be wise,Adapt.

       Sometimes,our pets are our reflection,my pet doesn’t eat plain rice as most of my friend’s pets,he needs something crunchy in it,just like I need pappad or some snacks.Only then I realized my pet should be treated the way that I like to be treated.All are equal.

#Never Hide
            It’s hard to keep the dog away from meat,and whenever there is meat at home,he refuses to eat his usual food,he needs a bite of the meat ,no matter how much ever we try to hide it.Dogs have powerful olfactory cells,and it is not possible to hide anything.Don’t hide anything,because the dear ones can smell it and if they can’t,we aren’t dear to them.

#Oil is good for friction
                   My vet advises to keep my puppy away from oily snacks,but whenever he isn’t well,the easiest way to make him right is to feed good,crunchy oily snacks he loves to crunch.If there is any friction,use some oil(likes) to ease it.

#Possessive scene
                Though I talk about Mojo a lot,he doesn’t seem to be interested in me so much,whenever I take him for a walk he is more interested in looking at others,but, if, even for fun someone hits me,he becomes my Mojo’s enemy for lifetime.Really not necessary to see/show possessiveness,it just ebbs at the moment.

        I believe in karma very much,and Mojo being my pet must be a part of past or he could even be  someone who is gonna look after me in the next life,so I make sure I treat him well.We don’t meet people,it happens,and happens for a reason,so treat everyone well or atleast don’t ill treat.

        Everyone who sees my Mojo,asks me if he is trained to shake hands,or pick the ball etc.Pls,I don’t intend to exhibit him at a circus,he is what he is.I don’t expect him to do anything for my pleasure of exhibition I love the way he is.Love for what the other are.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Interpretation of a Smartphone

The most difficult task of blogging is the first line of the post.I try to make my first line creative so that it keeps the reader hooked,but today for this post couldn't think of anything inspite of trying for almost 12 hours.The necessities of everyone had always been the same from begining of the mankind,except for  one thing which has been recently added,and without that, it is quite frustrating.Yes,it is frustrating when I'm away from my phone,not mobile phones,Smartphones! After a hectic task of trying to fine tune this blog
( which I haven't)
     Never Alone
             # It is always easy to reach someone when loneliness haunts,there is always someone waiting for our call.So,pick the phone and call up that someone who can drive away loneliness.
             # We would never be alone if we find our company.
       Anger Channel
             #I'm not of the type to exhibit my anger,and the best way to get it out of my system is weird,sometimes Angry Birds,sometimes Scrabble.As these games keep me involved,I forget about my anger.You can try your own favourite games.
             #Anger is contagious,and channelising it ti something else is wise.
         Tiny Parcel,big package
            #Responsibility is a very big term that comes in a small package,so is the smart phone especially when you are carrying a flashy phone.Where there is I,there is a phone.
            # No responsibility is a burden,if we are really attached(conscienctious) to it
          Visual Treat
           #Boredom is a long lost word and I'm wondering when was the time I told anyone that "I'm bored!"coz that never has happened with me,Thanks to Youtube.
           # There are so many beautiful things,tiny or gigantic,just that we are so engrossed in our day to day life that we don't notice the beauty of this world.
           Memory Salt
          # Thanks to Facebook,there are always good memories and friends to cherish.
          # Its very unlikely for us to eat without salt,but excess salt ruins the food,so is memory,remembering only that would not ruin our thoughts is good,anything more?!?!?!
           Young Mind
          # Most important,age is never a criteria for learning new things,and my mobile has never let me down to clarify my doubts or anyone else's who rely on me.
          #Young is accident of time,and youth is state of mind-Frank Lloyd Wright. Do I need to say more!

Saturday, 12 October 2013

டீகடை பெஞ்சு


சத்தியமா! இந்த வலைபதிவுக்கும்,தினமலர் டீ கடை பெஞ்சுக்கும் சம்பந்தம் இல்லை.ஆனால்,தினமலரின் டீக்கடை பெஞ்சை விட அதிக கிசுகிசு,அரட்டை,சண்டை இருக்கும் நானும் என் நண்பர்களும் செல்லும் டீக்கடையில்.கல்லூரியில் படித்த அனைவருக்கும் கண்டிப்பாக ஒரு ஆஸ்தான டீ கடை இருக்கும்,ஆனால் எனக்கும் என் நண்பர்களுக்கும் பள்ளி படிக்கும்போதே ஒரு டீ கடையை பிடித்துக்கொண்டோம்.பள்ளிக்கு செல்வதற்கு கூட சீக்கிரம் எழுந்திரிக்கும் பழக்கம் இல்லாத எனக்கு,டீ கடைக்கு செல்வதென்றால் அலறிகடிகாரம் இல்லாமலே எழுந்துவிடுவேன்.பள்ளி காலத்து டீக்கடை அனுபவங்களை விட சுவாரசியமானது கல்லூரி காலத்து அனுபவங்கள்.சென்னை சென்ற புதிதில் தெருவுக்கு பத்து டீக்கடைகள் இருப்பது ஆச்சரியமாகவே இருந்தது,சென்னை பழகிய பிறகு,பத்து இல்லை,நூறு கடைகள் இருந்தாலும் போதாது என்று அறிந்துக்கொண்டேன்.
                                                 சமிபத்தில்,சென்னை  கல்லூரியில் படிக்கும் நண்பனின்   தம்பியிடம் பேசி கொண்டிருக்கும்போது,அவனுக்கும் ஒரு நல்ல டீக்கடை அமைந்ததை பற்றி சொல்லிகொண்டிருக்கும்  போது தான் எனக்கும்,என் கல்லூரி காலத்து டீக்கடை நினைவுகள்.கல்லூரிக்கு எதிரில் ஒரு டீக்கடை,கல்லூரியிலிருந்து அறைக்கு செல்லும் வழியில் ஒரு டீக்கடை,அறைக்கு அருகில் ஒரு டீக்கடை என மொத்தம்மூன்று டீக்கடைக்கு நான்  வாடிக்கையாளன்.வழியில் இருக்கும் டீக்கடையில் தான் அதிகம் நேரம் கழித்ததுண்டு,கல்லூரிக்கு மட்டை போட்டு,எதிரில் இருக்கும் கடையில் உட்கார முடியாது.ஆனால்,கல்லூரிக்கு எதிரில் இருந்த டீக்கடையில் இருந்த சமதர்மம்(சோசியலிசம்) ஆச்சரியமானது,ஆசிரியர்களும்,மாணவர்களும் சமமாக புகை பிடிக்கும் இடம் அது.ஒரு முறை,புகை பிடித்து கொண்டிருந்த நண்பன்,ஆசிரியர்  வருவதை கண்டு சிகரெட்டை கிழே போட்டு விட்டான்,அவர் என்ன நினைத்தாரோ தெரியவில்லை,பாடத்தில் தோல்வியுற்றால் கூட அப்படி திட்டி இருக்கமாட்டார்.ஆனால்,அந்த பாதி சிகரெட் வீனா போனதுக்கு திட்டினார்.அந்த சம்பவத்துக்கு பிறகு,ஆசிரியரை கண்டால் யாரும் சிகரெட்டை அணைப்பதில்லை,அவரை பார்த்து ஒரு புன்முறுவல் அவ்வளவு தான். அந்த கடையில்,பால் ஆவியை விட,சிகரட் ஆவி தான் அதிகம் இருக்கும்.சில நேரங்களில்,கல்லூரிக்கே போகாமல்,டீக்கடையிலேயே பொழுதை கழித்திருக்கிறோம்.
                                               வழியில் இருக்கும் டீக்கடையும்,சும்மா இல்லை,எனக்கு தெரிந்து சென்னையில் மதியம் 2 மணிக்கே பஜ்ஜி போடும் கடை அதுவாக தான் இருக்கும்,அதுவும் எங்களுக்காக,இத்தனைக்கும் கடன் சொல்லி தான் சாப்பிடுவோம்.ஒரு டீ,ஒரு சிகரெட்டுக்கு குறைந்தபட்சம் ஒரு மணி நேரம் அரட்டை,ஆனால் கடைக்காரர் மூஞ்சி சூழித்ததே கிடையாது.மறுபடியும்,டீக்கடையில்,நண்பர்களுடன் அரட்டை அடிக்க ஆசை.கல்லூரி நாட்களின்,வகுப்பறை நினைவுகளைவிட டீக்கடை நினைவுகள் தான் அதிகம்.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Shiva Trilogy

Every book we read has the power to render wings for imagination but very few books gives us more power than the word imagination itself, and Shiva trilogy is one such book. It is hard for one book to keep us occupied and this series of three books kept me occupied for almost three years.When i finished the The immortals of Meluha,I was waiting for The Secret of Nagas,and i would browse everyday to find about the release date,and once i was done with it,i was again browsing to find about The Oath of Vayuputras. Every book that I read kept me occupied with the electric twists. Every Hindu knows the family story of lord Shiva, but what makes this book special is the author has very brilliantly traced the origin of lord Shiva (though imaginary only) and very genuinely roped in all the other characters beginning from Bhadra to Mithra. I have always knows Shiva as a powerful  god who according to my mother punishes when wrong done and specially he is a very wrathful lord, but throughout my journey with this book I have found a special respect for the lord as a very dignified, justified hero. Right from the beginning of the book I was impressed especially with the characters like Ayurvati,the chief doctor(Ayurveda),Brahaspati,Bhrigu maharaj etc and the way the city of Meluha has been described with its infra structure like public drainage, quarantine block etc took me to a different level of imagination, awestruck by the knowledge of the ancient Indians. Words like Rudra, Neelkanth, Somras which are usually common only in the regional languages were odd in English, but only for few pages. Forget the grandmother’s version of lord Ganesha having the features of elephant, for you would enjoy the version described in this book. I would always cherish the memories of the journey of imagination through this trilogy. And I would definitely recommend Shiva trilogy a must read for every Indian.

P.S.I'm reblogging this,as its been long time someone spoke to me about this book!

Wednesday, 2 October 2013


There are some things that would regularly happen on Gandhi Jayanthi- Public Holiday,Special programmes on every Indian satellite channels which includes the movie Gandhi,Oh! most importantly Dry Day(very important for me!).Few days back,it was in the papers that a school girl had applied RTI to know why Gandhi is called Father of our country,well! even I had the doubt at that age,but somehow convinced myself that he is father of our country because he is featured in our currency,and who gives us pocket money?Daddy na!
                      We all know that Indian Independence struggle was one of its kind and it introduced a new terminology Ahimsa.If it wasn't was for the path of ahimsa,there would have been lot of bloodshed.Well,I don't remember any of interesting incidents that happened in Gandhiji's life,I wasn't interested in Gandhiji much.It all started when Gandhiji was detrained from a First class coach,he was lucky that he hold onto his anger for a long time and that is what turned into our freedom struggle.Everyone talks great about Ahimsa,and so I too tried Gandhi's path of Ahimsa with my mom,If my mom refuses something that I need,I would not eat at home for few days.Trust me!Ahimsa doesn't work for guys and I was no different.But,Ahimsa works well for my mom,and sister and they had been successful too!
                                           Gandhiji was totally against the partition of our country,which proves his ability for a futuristic vision,but then our other politicians were in a hurry,that they thought that patrition would be the ideal solution for the chaos,and their hurry cost us the present chaos.If there was no Pakistan,probably we would have been the most powerful country in the continent!Gandhiji was wise to quit Congress,or he wouldn't have reached the hearts of every Indian irrespective of their political party.Also,Gandhiji wanted the present day parliament complex to be a hospital,don't think that would never happen.Dandi march,Civil disobedience,Non Co operation movement,they were all Gandhiji's idea.The British wouldn't have imagined the power of Gandhiji.It is believed that Gandhiji uttered Hey Ram last,when he was shot!
                                                              Hey Ram!

Saturday, 28 September 2013


சுண்டல் என்றாலே என்  நினைவுக்கு வருவது கோயில் பிரசாதம் தான் .நான் சென்னையிலருந்து விழுப்புரம் செல்லும் பேருந்தில்,இந்த சுண்டல் விற்கும் ஆசாமியை கண்டு ஆச்சரியப்பட்டதுண்டு,உலகத்திலேயே,பேருந்தில் பயணச்சிட்டு பெற்றுக்கொண்டு  சுண்டல் விற்கும் நபர் இவராகத்தான் இருப்பார்.கிட்டதட்ட ஒரு வருடம்,நான் பணிக்கு சென்ற காலத்தில்,இவரை தினமும் பார்த்ததுண்டு,என்னுடன் தினமும் பயணிக்கும் நண்பரிடம்," சுண்டல் சாப்பிடலாமா" என்று கேட்டதற்கு,"வேண்டாம்,ஹைஜினிக்கா (hygienic)இருக்காது" என்றார்.சின்ன வயதில்,என் தந்தையும் இதைத்தான் சொல்வார்,அதனாலேயே ,பேருந்து,ரயில் பயணங்களில்,அதிகம் தின்பண்டங்கள் அனுபவித்ததில்லை.
                                                பள்ளி பருவத்தில்,என்னுடைய இரு நண்பர்களின் விட்டிற்கு அருகாமையில் பிள்ளையார் கோயில்,அக்கோவிலில் கொடுக்கப்படும்  சுண்டல்களை இவர்கள் தவறவிட்டதில்லை,சுண்டல் தின்ன அனுபவத்தை அடுத்த நாள் வகுப்பறையில் சொல்லும் போது,எரிச்சல்லாக இருக்கும்,அந்த கோயில் இருக்கும் தெருவில் தான் நானும் வசிக்கிறேன் ,ஆனால் எனக்கு மட்டும் சுண்டல் அட்டவனை தெரியாது.சில வருடங்களில்  ஊர் மேய ஆரம்பித்ததும்,நானும் அந்த பிள்ளையார் கோயில் சுண்டலை விட்டதில்லை.
                                            சுண்டலுக்கு,என்னிடம் இன்னொரு கதை உண்டு,தினமும் மாலையில்,எங்கள் தெருவில் ,தள்ளு வண்டியில் ஒருவர் சுண்டல் விற்பார்.அவருடயை சிறப்பே ,மாங்காய் துவள் தான்.நான் கேட்கும் போதெல்லாம் அப்பா வாங்கி கொடுப்பார்,ஆனால் என்னுடைய துருதிஷ்டம்,அந்த சுண்டல் விற்பவருக்கு யானைக்கால் வியாதி,அதனாலேயே அவரிடம் சுண்டல் வாங்குபவரின் எண்ணிக்கை குறைந்தது,காலபோக்கில் அவரையும் காணவில்லை.அவருடைய  இடம் இன்னமும் காலியாகவே உள்ளது.எனக்கு தெரிந்து,சுண்டல் விற்பவர்கள் அரிது.எப்போதாவது,"இந்தா,கோயில் பிரசாதம்"என்று அம்மா கொடுத்தால்தான்.
                                                         இன்று காலை,பேருந்து பயணத்தின் போது,அதே சுண்டல் ஆசாமி,வழக்கம் போல்,பயணச்சிட்டு பெற்றுக்கொண்டு சுண்டல் விற்க ஆரம்பித்தார்.சுத்தம் பற்றி பேச யாருமில்லை,யோசித்தேன்,முதல் ஆளாய்,சுண்டல் என்றேன்,அவர் முகத்தில் அப்படி ஒரு மகிழ்ச்சி,எனக்கு மனதில் மகிழ்ச்சி.சுண்டல் சுவையாக இருந்தது,அது சுண்டலின் சுவையோ? அல்லது ஒரு வருடமாக தள்ளி போட்ட விசயத்தை,செய்து விட்ட சுவையோ?

Monday, 23 September 2013

I see, U see?

Eyes are the window to the world,and it has become vital for everyone to have a visual appeal.We have been told first impression is the best impression,and management guru’s have mislead us the impression to only visual appeal,and that’s why garment giants have come up with varied ideas of work wear,casual wear and even some even have different wear for everyday.Is it only about what we see through our eyes? Do we really judge people only with how they look? Those are fools who see only through eyes,and those are enlightened who see through beyond their eyes!
                                                               Once,two kings who were in the verge of war were called upon by their Master to see if the war could be avoided.The master suggested that both the kings take a survey among people to see if war was really necessary.Both the kings set out,and after survey,the first king reported that there is atleast one bad thing in every person I met,so to get rid of bad,a war is must.And,then the second king concluded that there was at least one good thing in every person I met,so for a better world no war was needed.The first king saw things only with his eyes,but the second king saw through beyond his eyes.
                                                                  To look through beyond eyes comes with experience I guess,whenever my Mojo(my pet) does something cranky,I raise my hands to threaten him,the moment I raise my hand my mom comes to his rescue,why are you hitting him,what does he know.There have been so many people in my life and I’ve retained almost all of them,only because I don’t see with my eyes,but with Heart

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Self Education ≥ Formal Education

Formal education will make you a living; self education will make you a fortune-Jim Rohn,I happened to read this in today’s paper,and for a long time I’ve been thinking to write about this and today is the right time. There is always a special reserve for literate people in all walks of life, and considering the literacy rate of our country at present it is hard to point out an illiterate. Does only education makes a complete man?.Education+Character makes a complete man. the objective of the education stops at the end of the final exam, what we make out of it,is directly proportional to our intention. I’ve come across so many calm, well mannered people who haven’t had a great academic achievement, some don’t even know what academics are,and some of the arrogant person were the one with sky high academic achievements.
                                                                                It is always the character(I’d say manners) that always overtakes education, If only educated that wouldn’t takes more than what it has thought, but character with education or without education would take us anywhere we like. Sometimes we forget what we were taught, we all must have read about the traffic signals,and we very well know why,red,orange and green are on the signals,but we forget what they mean,but someone who doesn’t know why red,orange and green are chosen for signals,wouldn’t forget that he has to stop at red and only go on green.These educated people always carry this attitude that I know better than you,it is true,we know better than others,but we wouldn’t know what others know,A dentist would definitely not know what a historian would,but there is no point in offending unless someone confronts into our speciality.
                                                           Decades back or even longer than that,a person in shirt+trouser was always given an unsaid respect in our society,because only an literate person would wear that while other would be wearing dhoti(I don’t mean to say that people wearing dhoti are illiterate,those days people from village would be seen with dhoti).Now rarely people wear dhoti,but there is no point in wearing shirt and trouser if we can’t stop our vehicle for pedestrians crossing on Zebra path.What good will education do if we deny a senior citizens seat to a senior citizen  on public transport.What is the use of education when we try to get in the middle of the queue,when there are already people in a queue.How would education save us when we can read “Don’t use cellphones while driving” and not follow it.How would education earn us dignity when we don't respect the women.
                                      A formal education wouldn’t teach us everything,but it gives the power to learn everything,the purpose of education is to make everyone civilized,and how would we be civilized unless we respect others.Education is not mere learning,but applying into our life.Education is a process of learning,that has to be passed over to the next generation which would make the lives better in a better world.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Axe or Hoax?

FMCG(Fast moving consumer goods) has changed the way we live nowadays.A lot has been changed as I grow up,earlier it was toothpaste and soap,now there are so many things, that we are forced to use  which we actually don't need and there is a picture created that we aren't perfect unless we use all of those.These Fmcg has penetrated into everycorner of our home,I don't mind them being in the corners,but they are spoiling my pleasure of watching television.

I guess it all started with AXE deodrants trying to say that it was easy to impress girls with their deodrant,seriously! only a fool would have thought that,I've never heard of any one attractive just because he uses AXE,luckily I switched over to perfume even before AXE was launched.These FMCG fools don't realize that nobody buys things that others like,they would buy only what they like.Why would I buy a deodrant which a girl likes,and if I have to buy for the like of a girl,then my only saving would be the empty deodrant cans.Next time I happen to see Ranbir Kapoor,I'm gonna ask him to show his click counter!

Fair & Handsome
                     Whoever thought,Beauty is being fair,is definitely a racist or a beauty blind.And the worst part is making guys use the fairness cream.I know of few guys who would use men's fairness cream two times a day,does it really make you fair? I don't think so.Guess even the brand ambassadors who endorse the products wouldn't use it.

       I don't know,if anyone has realized why they say "TV Soap".Tv soaps are just long running serials,and I personally feel that tv soaps are just to fill voids,and so are the soaps we use.Usually whenever my patients ask me which paste is good,I'd say all toothpastes are good because we wouldn't brush without a paste,as paste is a good lubricant and flavouring agent.We use soap,because we are psychologically trained to use a soap but I seriously don't think it has any effect at all,except for the fragrance. I switched to shower gel long back:-) sometimes lime,tomato,oats or whichever I feel  is good for skin. 

Monday, 9 September 2013

Ganapathi bapa!

Ganesh chaturthi is always fun,it was almost like a mini diwali.We would wake up early,set out to buy Ganesh idol and all of the pooja package.The most interesting part was decorating Ganeshji,it was a gold chain by default,and other things change according to our individual members taste,sometimes it we would make him sit at the top of clay hill decorated with flowers,and one time there was a small bowl of water on the hill to look like a pond,and sometimes it was all flowers around him.I have noticed there are is some differences in our country in celebrating Krishna jayanthi,Hanuman jayanthi and few other festivals but Ganesh chaturthi is a celebration common to all.As far as I know Lord Ganesh must be having maximum temples in our country(there are two ganeshji temples in my street) It is believed that Ganeshji is most easily approachable god,for he needs no penance or sacrifice just dedication,and that is why simple thing like grass,coconut offered to him.
                                                             Not many know that the celebration of Ganesh chaturthi,which was a house hold celebration was turned into a public event by Bal Gangadhar Tilak.BG Tilak was considered the founding father of Indian Independence,and public gathering was banned by the British and BG Tilak used celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi in public to bring Indians together to spread freedom fire.And the British were really awestruck with the unity of people on Ganesh chaturthi.Ganesh chaturthi isn't just a religious celebration,but a national celebration!
                                                           Few years back.on a conversation with a Tamil scholar,he was telling me why Ganeshji was so popular in our country.Human race,when had the knowlodge of agriculture,their main threat were elephants which would destroy their paddy,and so they thought they must please elephants to save their fields,and during harvest it was the rats which destroyed their crops,and that is why they started worshipping Ganeshji and rat his pet.There is all science behind everything,but then we are restricted to know the logic.I don't know how many of you would agreee with this story.but I would because it sounds logical or atleast that scholar friend has the knowledge to see logic behind everything just like Ganeshji

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Thank you Teachers!

If you can read this,then thank your teacher.And my way of thanking them is to write this blog.My school days were scary not because it was  haunted,but I was scared of some teachers.My initail fear of teachers started with Gracy miss(our teachers name were always suffixed with miss/master following their name) I can very well remember,Gracy miss was used to moist her lips with her tongue and one day she caught me while I tried that,and hit me with a wooden scale,I really don't know what she thought and all this happened in my UKG.I was unwilling to go school for next few days but my father dragged me to the school.Next was AV miss(guess her name was Annie),she was my favourite English teacher and I'm still grateful to her for my better English,AV miss would never miss my general essay,and I always got 10/10 for my general essay,I was good at imagination that time itself.Schools are different when teachers would always categorize bright student and dull student and I was always in the league of dull students,there were only few teachers for whom bright or dull didn't matter,and they were angels.Teachers always had their own way,some were like grass,whom every student can approach and some were like oak whom only few(bright students) can approach.College ambience was different,two years of pre clinicals was a little better than school,and the rest of college was life moulding and any student can approach any one. Whatever I'm today professionaly is all because of those teachers/dentists who saw,analyse,alter our works on patients,and that godly patience and enlightment to not say anything infront of the patients we were treating.If I hadn't been overlooked by those teachers I wouldn't be so confident in my profession today,they not only passed over the art of dentistry,but set a way of living for me.It is really not necessary to have a special day to remember teachers,for the are always there in what I read,what I write,what I think and what I do! Thank You Teachers.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Art of cooking is SIMPLE

Sometimes,when my mom says, do this,don’t do that.I’d feel agitated for I think the only thing my mom knows is cooking,but my mom’s say is true,always.How can someone who can only cook can be so right about everything.Not only my mom,guess every mom would always be right.And for all the woman I’d known,or taken opinion from are always right.I don’t mean that Men can’t be right.Men mostly take momentary decision,whereas women’s decision are future perfect.Women today have raised equally to men.There isn’t anything that women can’t do,but there are few things that men can’t do like women,one such thing is Cooking.The art of Cooking is SIMPLE,not simple.
   Cutting, Chopping, Slicing, and Grating requires skill else we’ll end up adding haemoglobin to the vegetables. Out of the sometimes that I cut vegetables, few times I’ve cut myself, but, never heard any women cut themselves frequently. And that is why women know how to handle differently with different people.
         Intelligence is equal to Ingredients. Women just know what to add and what not to. And they exactly know what ingredient would give the desired taste. And that is why they know what to say and what not to say.
         To fry or to boil, everyone must be thinking everything can be boiled and fried but only women know what is to be boiled, what is to be fried and what can be both boiled and fried. Same way, women know when to pacify, when to demand,who to trust.
        Every recipe takes its own sweet time, but men would never have that patience, I myself while cooking wouldn’t have the patience and keep bothering either opening it now and then, or stirring, but never had I had the patience to wait till its cooked. For women, patience is a virtue. And that is why they always wait for the right moment to convey or to act.
       There is nothing like Love. Ask a worried woman to cook and it would definitely not be as good as it was. For women it is all about love, they are the best when it comes to showing their love and that’s why every man longs for a woman’s love.
       Cooking is over. Who is gonna wash it?.Many a times men can cook but I’m sure men hate to dish wash .But no woman would hesitate to wash, because she very well knows that she has to cook again. We men never worry about the consequences, but Women’s every action is directly proportional to the consequences
And this is why women are the way they are,because they can cook.If men too can cook,there is more to learn than cooking alone.

Kiddo Khan!

We all like kids,at least I believe.And I'm little more intense that I like kids stuff too,and most importantly cartoons,I love watching cartoons even at this age.I grew up watching Tom & Jerry and still haven't watched the climax of it and don't wanna see.In the recent years,I've been addicted to Chota bheem,sometimes the plot are so silly and so easily predictable,but this sensible thought doesn't come while watching it,may be that is how kids think,and that is how we would have thought as a kid,no logic only laugh! Laugh is good,and  for me it is a wonder tool to rejuvenate.Things have changed with generations,I remember watching He man,Captain planet,Swat cats,GI joe etc and amazingly kids today aren't aware of international cartoons,good that are well informed about national cartoon icons (chota bheem) no wonder if chota bheem becomes the mascot of National Comission of children rights in our country.It is good to sleep like a baby,laugh like a baby,and my circumstances don't let me to be aware of that all the time.and when I'm laughing like a baby I'm not aware of it,complicated! Again,my friend comes to rescue,recently when one of his nephew refused to eat idli,he was told that eating one idli will make u strong like chota bheem,and after two days my friend gets a call from his sister saying that the kid wants idli everyday and also he isn't eating more than one idli,because uncle said one idli only will make him chota bheem;-).The days when Star tv was launched in our country,GI Joe was relayed in the early morning,guess 5am and I never missed a show,those days cartoon network wasn't nonstop channel,whenever there was change over of cartoon network channel I would feel bad as if I lost my toffee.I had quit playing after school,only to rush home and watch Swatcats.I actually became a kid,while watching Finding Nemo,because I shed a drop of tear,without realizing.Now,before someone asks me why Kiddo Khan,Aamir khan is believed to be a perfect actor,and these cartoons and animations are perfectly imperfect(No logic,only laugh).If you going through stress,try Chota Bheem,he is available on pogo.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Balloon Boys!

If you are wondering what these baloon boys are,then I can assure you that you definitely would have come across atleast one baloon boy in your life,I haven't met a baloon girl yet:-).Long back,I always envied a friend who watched all of the movies that was released in our town,we knew this because,whenever he was on leave he would tell us that he had gone to watch a movie thats why leave,we would be happy if he is on a leave because the next day he would be telling us the movie,all these happened in our school days,but later as we grew up he confessed that he actually didn't watch those many movies,he would make a story only by watching the movie posters,and still he is a good friend of mine because now I tell him stories.This friend of mine is an example of baloon boy.Baloon has only air,nothing else.There are so many people who are just filled with air but then pretend that they are full of rocks,diamonds apparently.The easiest way to identify these baloon guys 1) there is never NO in their dictionary 2) they are the one,who try hard to seek attention.3) they always try to prove something (probably that they are big shot).It has always been easy for me to identify these baloon guys,initially I was irritated but in the recent years I enjoy pumping more air into the baloon.The next you happen to meet a ballon boy,pump some air and enjoy the show.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Akbar the Great!

The Mughal episode of our country has always fascinated me,and history was my favourite subject in school.Though much wasn't taught about Babar and Humayun,which I would say as pre Akbar era,and there was a seperate chapter on Akbar,that is why it interested me.I wouldn't hesitate to compare Akbar the great with Alexander or Genghis Khan or any other emperors,all emperors have won large territories,Akbar didn't win territories equal to the great emperors but he definitely won the heart of indians,especially at the time when mughal rulers were considered foreigners by hindustanis.History claims that Akbar was only 13 when he was crowned the emperor and unlike his ancestors,he had interest in learning the hindu culture and traditions and that was the main reason for abolishing religious taxes.Akbar always wanted to be approved as hindustani(Indian) and the movie Jodha Akbar claims that the name Akbar itself was given by the hindus.Any talks on Akbar isn't complete without mentioning Birbal.Birbal was known to be wise and witty,and Akbar and Birbal pair are an integral part of indian folklore.Communal harmony was one of the achievement of Akbar,he even went to the extent of establishing Din-i-ilahi,a cult which was derived from various religions and yet had a monolithic belief,and all religious people were free to follow,but wasn't a success though.Akbar is also credited for introducing indo persian architecture which can also be considered as the founding stone for the beautiful Taj Mahal.Pre Akbar era emperors were busy expanding their empire and the post Akbar era empires were either busy extending their empires or building forts\memorials but Akbar perfectly balanced everything.But,it is ShahJahan who is universally famous,famous for TajMahal,Akbar wouldn't have wasted so much of resource or labour and the time taken to build Taj Mahal.And Aurangzeb was also wise that he didn't waste any resource or funds to erect any building,and it is believed that he overthrew ShahJahan,luckily before he started constructing Black TajMahal.Oh! and most importantly,mughal cuisines!Mughal cuisines have become a part of Indian cuisine,especially biriyani:-)

P.S.Does anyone realize,Akbar still rules our country,(24,Akbar road,New Delhi)!

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Shine like a Sun

For people around me,I'm a Weirdo,because they think I don't sleep.I sleep,only that I wake up early,early than than rest of others throughout the different phases of my life,I still have never found anyone who can rise before me except for the days I go through hangover.Somehow,rising early gives me more energy and most importantly time,I've more time to do everything I want,because there isn't anyone to interfere me in the morning.Few years back I was proud of myself to read the newspaper first, among 4 of my roommates,and there have been days when I have waited to get newspaper from the distribution van,also waited at tea shop,for the guy to open,arrange and then have my tea.The breeze in the early morning is so soothing and I was in a way lucky to enjoy that in the city of Chennai.I've few people,who wake up and are ready in few minutes,which has never worked with me,I need to wake up from the bed and also wake up from the mental state of sleep,replay if I had any dreams,sit,jot down things to be done in the day that way I'm well organised and there is a clarity of thought.Early morning gives me ample time to think,analyse,do many things and my close pals know that.There is so much of energy,waking up early that I never had the urge for a hotwater shower even in the winter days.Unless there is so much of good in rising early,our ancestors wouldn't have rised early and did surya namaskar,Surya namaskar is an unique solution for all of physical and mental troubles.Out of those suffering from insomnia,I've hardly stayed awake post 11pm,and it takes only a minute for me to sleep,just the thought of sleep is enough for me to sleep,not because I'm intoxicated or inebriated only because I rise early and so tired at the end of the day.To shine like a sun,rise early,because sun radiates energy and if you want to radiate your energy to people around you,rise and shine like a sun:-)

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

You Cry? #!#?

Crying was the easiest escape tool for many of us and I wasn't an exception either.But,when I try to remember  the last time I cried,I could remember only one  event when I cried without even realizing when one of my close pal passed away.The other incidents when I cried were all instigated,either by the other person or sometimes when I really wanted to cry.I even have doubts if my lacrimal glands are normal,it been nearly a decade that I have cried.From somewhere I have got this feeling that, to cry is not a man and I still have been stuck to that belief.I haven't cried even during the worst heartbreaks,all of my hearts have only made me to laugh at myself,but never cried(it wasn't my loss!) To cry is just like a reflex like all other things,but that reflex is hyperactive in few people,its so active that it almost starts at a click,sometimes I understand that that tear is uncontrollable,but most of the time I have seen people crying for the most silly reasons and it irritates me.Those who can control anger are strong,which I don't agree completely,a strong one is the one who can channelise the same velocity of anger onto something,and if you can control your tears too,you are strong.When a baby cries,it just means it needs something for it is the only expression,and we cry not for our needs but wants, most of the times.I have this weird feeling whenver I see someone crying,i have this urge to laugh,but fearing the wrath I haven't dared to.I opine that instead of crying,and wasting our energy we could sit down and analyse if it is wise to cry or save some energy and move on.Cry is synonymous with women,and they are good at manipulating people with their tears,but I'm allergic to crying women,I'd flee the place,not just because I'm allergic,may be I'm not so strong to see a woman crying!:-)
P.S. Definitely the boy isn't cute while crying

Thursday, 15 August 2013

India 67

A lot have changed in my thoughts on Independence day.Initially it was all about sweets that were distributed,then pining the national flag,then holiday and then was the torture of parade training in school,in college it was a leisure day.And,after my entry into the real world.I feel more patriotic on I day and R day,but the patriotism wanes away as I start working.Today I read,"Each nation feels superior to other nations.That breeds patriotism and wars-Dale Carnegie"(Deccan Chronicle,page8).I,citizen of India definitely,definitely feel proud of my country,only patriotism is my part.Lot have been taught of Indian Inpendence in history classes with special emphasis on Ahimsa.We all remember only Independence not Ahimsa.Even now I feel that I haven't got the essence of freedom completely,nothing wrong about the freedom,just that I haven't been able to understand the sacrifices of the lives laid down for our Independence.It is our National flag everywhere on Iday and Rday,been thinking why is the flag the way it is,somewhere I read,An Indian woman was insulted by a foreigner for fighting for a nation that doesn't have a flag,and that woman tore a piece of her saree and said that was the flag of her country India,don't know that details though(I'm not a Historian),there have been many flags before the one we have now,and there have been some brave women associated with the history of our national flag and suprisingly there were some foreigners too.The final flag was designed by Pingali Venkaih and I'm sure only few would know this(I swear I knew this a decade back!).The year 1857 is something sticthed into my subconscious mind,that is the year Sepoy Mutiny happened,if you don't know what it is,then the easiest way is AamirKhan's Mangal Pandey,it is stiched because it was an important 10mark question.Sepoy mutiny is considered to be the First war of Indian Independence,1857 -1947,my god,90years!
                                                 When Nehru was questioned by a person,what is the use of Independence?,he politely replied,the convenience of questioning the primeminister of the country is what independence is.Happy Independence Day!

P.S.Someday if you happen to seen a tiranga tattoo on me,remember this idea came today while writing this.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013


At this age,to write about a cinema actor is weird but then, a conversation with an old man praising MGR made me think how much of impact does cinema have in our society.That old man was going on praising MGR,he doesn't see him only as an actor but takes him for being his mentor.Old man apart,long time back when a old movie of Superstar was released, a 40yr neighbour was so excited to watch the movie and that movie must have been relayed on satellite channel for hundred times but still he was eager to watch it in theatre.Now,comes my turn,I really haven't witnessed  the magic of MGR,or even the charisma of superstar,my dad and my uncles told me his a superstar and the excitement around,made me excited.No doubt,that Rajinikanth is the superstar(SRK himself said that!).Any actor in the cinema would wanna achieve the superstar title,and if someone says they just wanna act and don't wanna become a superstar then,either thay aren't serious about their work or they know that they aren't capable,and when Ajith said that he wants to be No.1 in kollywood industry,he was criticised  badly.Multi starrer trend has been recently the talk of the tamil cinema industry,but Ajith must be the only actor who has acted along with many actors in the past twenty years.It wouldn't be apt to brand Ajith only as an actor,he is also an avid racer and has F2 achievements to his creditsWhen Ajith requested his fans to dissolve his fan clubs,every one thought it was an end to his career,but then only the clubs were dissolved not the fans.In his last movie,he was criticised for imitating George Clooney(salt and pepper style).I too agree with them,but others must also admit that,it would suit only Ajith(I can't imagine any one with that style).Its a well known fact that he isn't good at delivering dialogues,but he proved that he can deliver dialouges with his eyes in the movie Vaali.In today's world of paparazzi,privacy and public image of actors are always at risk,and Ajith is the only actor who has distanced his privacy and public life.Ajith must be the only actor who has been applauded by all of the co actors and technicians.He was the only star who had the guts to speakout on the stage in front of the ruling Chiefminister,and the one who stood up and applauded was Superstar.The trend of remaking old classics started by Ajith remaking superstar's Billa.Kollywood has many stars,superstar,topstar,powerstar,megastar and Ajith was fondly called Ultimate star,and he himself requested his fans to rip the title Ultimate star,and that is his ultimatum,and so is he unique.Well nothing much to say,just that I'm proud to have lived in the era of Kamal Hassan and Ajith,guess I'd be telling about Ajith a lot as I get old.And Arambam is the most anticipated movie of the year!