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Monday, 3 June 2013

Who are we to judge?

When two great minds meet, they discuss an idea.When two great people meet they discuss an event and when two fools meet they discuss about others.I have few friends who are very curious to know what other friends are doing and nothing wrong about it because nobody is in constant touch with everyone and what is wrong is that people starting judging others.Who are we to judge anyone,every living thing in this world are prisoners of birth and in this period we are prisoners of circumstances too.Not everyone are saint to sacrifice their priorities for others,personal priorities are vital to keep anyone going.And everyone wants to do what is right at the moment for them,right for them might be wrong for others, that doesn’t mean that we give up our right and rights just because its wrong for others.My close pals very well know that I don’t discuss about a person who is not present there, if mandatory to discuss,I say that we just analyze his situation rather than coming to a conclusion.One incident where X was blamed for not respecting Y,my opinion was that self respect was important for X that respect for Y.Before we judge anyone we fail to imagine our self in the situation and our reaction to the situation but we criticize other person’s reaction. “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”-Mother Theresa.Mother Theresa wouldn’t have said the above lines unless she was criticized for her great social service,but she did what she felt was right.Who are we to judge people?

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