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Monday, 29 July 2013

The Kite Runner

Mother and love are synonymous,but we don't know what fathers are synonymous with because fathers can't be contained for one single emotion.I personally believe that we love like our mother and live like our father.To live is a challenge.The kite runner is a story about a father and a son,and interestingly mother is missing in this novel,she is just a memory.As far as I've heard about Afghanistan its only Taliban,then Osama Bin Laden,and now Karzai,nothing much has been heard about Afghanistan.Author Khaleed Hosseini had beautifully brought the different era of Afghanistan live into the pages.Until I read the book I wasn't aware of princely rule in Afghanistan,Russian occupation for sometime and then into the hands of Taliban.All the imagination I've about Afghanistan is the barren land of tora bora ranges,but the author tells us about the beautiful palaces,cuisines,literature of Afghanistan.The most impressive character of the book is the Father,I haven't come through a character like this and I don't wanna reveal about it.This book is not only about the father and son,also a friend who is the kite runner.The story travels from Afghanistan,Pakistan,America and back to Afghanistan again,but this time the country is so changed in the hands of Taliban.Someone who had his  worst nightmare in his homeland,escapes to America risking his life.He is a happy man in the US,and there is only one reason for him to go back to the Taliban country and that is the Kite Runner.I was shocked to know that women get beaten if they rise their voice in public places,and the way people are punished by the Taliban.Interestingly Taliban followers are not allowed to marry and how they manage their desires are ruthless,read it to know it.This author definitely doesn't believe that men are immune to emotions or at least he knows how to play the emotional nerves of a man,and he proved to be master. I have never rated the books I've read,I just have a Top 10 collections of mine and this book is one of top 10 and it would be for every guy who reads it.Throughout the book,the pain and disappointments of the Afghan people are so evident,and the climax,I didn't want it to end the way I thought and interestingly it didn't, I was a happy man after knowing the end.

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